A holding company is a joint-stock company or a limited liability company that establishes affiliated companies inside or outside the country or acquires existing companies by owning stakes or shares that authorize it to control the management of the company and influence its decisions through introducing Article 268 of Law No. (32) or the year 2021 for the United Arab Emirates, where the same law allowed the holding company to establish subsidiaries not only inside the country but also outside, or to control existing companies, which results in the establishment of a so-called transnational corporation.
The first part of Article 296 was issued by Law No. / 2021 / for the purposes of the holding company:
Owning shares or shares in joint stock companies or limited liability companies
Providing loans, guarantees, and transfers to its subsidiaries
Owning real estate and movables necessary to carry out its activity
Management of subsidiaries
Owning intellectual property rights, purchasing patents, trademarks, industrial designs, or franchises and leasing them to its subsidiaries or other companies
The holding company may not engage in any commercial or professional activity except through its subsidiaries.